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( history of magic classroom )
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This is the History of Magic classroom, filled with books dedicated to the history of magic, and a desk for the professor, facing lines of student desks.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( muggle studies classroom )
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This is the Muggle Studies classroom, where all the muggle study lessons are taught. It's a pretty small room, and has several muggle things dotted around and about.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( the hospital wing )

This is the hospital wing, where students and professors alike go if they're injured in any way. If the case if too severe the student of professor will be sent to St. Mungo's. Only six visitors at one time are allowed for a patient!

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( matron's office )

This is matron's office - a large room right next to the hospital wing, so that matron can keep an eye on the patients after lights out. It contains the bedroom necessities for matron to reside such as a bed, desk and wardrobe.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( the first floor )

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( the first floor )
Welcome to the first floor, where you'll find the History of Magic classroom, the Muggle Studies classroom, the Hospital Wing and Matron's office.

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