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( minister for magic's office )

This is the Minister for Magic's office. It has a thick purple carpet, and a large oak desk that takes up quite a lot of the room. It's quite large, with a merry fire crackling in the fireplace and far too much paperwork to deal with.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( advisor to the minister for magic's office )

This is the Advisor to the Minster for Magic's office. It's slightly smaller than the Minister's office, but it's just as nice, sadly with just as much paperwork floating around.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( senior under-secretary to the minister's office )

This is the Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic's office. It's a little more cosy than the other offices on the floor but nice none-the-less.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( junior assistant to the minister for magic's office )

This is the Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic's office. It's one of the smaller on the floor but pretty tidy in comparison to some of the other offices on the floor.

Moderators: clipseys, shadow

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( minister for magic and his minions )

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( minister for magic and his minions )

the minister for magic hangs his hat up on this level when he comes to work. other imprtant staff work here to, it's mainly offices with thick purple carpets and deep mahonagy doors leading every which way.
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